Need a boost?
Diffusing the herbaceous, calming scent of tea tree essential oil (EO) in your diffuser has the ability to naturally support and boost the immune system. Besides its immune boosting benefits, some other benefits of diffusing tea tree essential oil include reducing anxiety, purifying the air, clearing congestion, diminishing stress levels, and relieving insomnia.
Give yourself a boost with one of these Tea Tree Diffuser Blends*!
*The essential oil blends below are for dilution in 100-200 ml water tank diffusers.
1. Vicks Variant
- 5 drops of Tea Tree
- 5 drops of Eucalyptus
- 2 drops Rosemary
- 1 drop Peppermint

2. Fresh Air
- 3 drops of Tea Tree
- 2 drops of Lime
- 2 drops of Lemon

3. Germ Gladiator
- 2 drops of Tea Tree
- 2 drops of Clove
- 2 drops of Lemongrass

4. Wooded Walk
- 3 drops of Tea Tree
- 3 drops of Spruce
- 2 drops of Cedarwood
- 2 drops of Lemon

5. Mood Booster
- 4 drops of Tea Tree
- 4 drops of Eucalyptus
- 3 drops of Lavender