In need of a restful night’s sleep or some calm and relaxation?
Diffusing the floral, herbaceous, and distinct scent of lavender essential oil (EO) in your diffuser can help promote calmness and relaxation, and assist in alleviating anxiety and boosting moods1.
Lavender EO can also aid in better sleep quality and mild insomnia. Studies have shown lavender EO to improve symptoms of restlessness, and sleep issues2. Stay more alert during the day by getting a better night’s sleep with some lavender in your diffuser blend.
Sooth yourself with one of these Lavender Diffuser Blends*!
*The essential oil blends below are for dilution in 100-200 ml water tank diffusers.
1. Catching Zzzz's
- 5 drops of Lavender
- 3 drops of Lemongrass
- 2 Drops of Chamomile
2. Forty Winks
- 3 drops of Lavender
- 3 drops of Bergamot
- 3 drops of Orange
3. Woodsy Calm
- 3 drops of Lavender
- 3 drops of Clary Sage
- 2 drops of Vetiver
4. Meditation Moment
- 3 drops Lavender
- 2 drops Bergamot
- 2 drops Lemon
- 2 drops of Patchouli
- 1 drop of Ylang Ylang